Historic Person I’d Like to Interview

Choosing one person from history to interview is a difficult choice. Quite frankly, it is a subject that I really have not put any thought into before. We all have people with whom we would like to meet and talk, but most of them are either alive now or were alive in our lifetime.

I think that meeting someone from ‘history’ would be a major challenge. Forgetting the fact that, to my knowledge, time travel has not been discovered, I think that the biggest question to ask would be if we would be able to communicate with that person? Let’s say that I chose Abraham Lincoln. Even though he was living about 150 years ago, his ‘American’ English and my ‘American’ English are not the same dialect. I am sure that we could communicate, but there would most certainly be miscommunications. The further you go back in history the more difficult it would become, not to mention the fact that many of us might want to talk to someone from a particular part of the world. For example, some people might want to talk to Genghis Khan or one of the Pharaohs from Egypt.

However since this entire idea is sci-fi, I guess my answer would be either Jesus or King Solomon, possibly even George Washington. I have several questions that I would like to get the answers to straight from the horse’s mouth.



dialect (n) - A version of a language specific to a particular area
sci-fi (n) - the short form of science fiction; not dealing with reality
from the horse’s mouth (idiom) - from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source




