
As with most people who make New Year’s resolutions, I am usually horrible about keeping my word.

I used to make resolutions like most do: get in shape, stop smoking or drinking, go to the gym, eat healthier, and so on. I have found that I often procrastinate until just before the end of the year before I admit defeat. I’m not exactly failing in the “want to do it department”, but rather I’m failing in the planning department.

Usually the New Year’s resolution goes like this: “I’m going to ________ this year.” Rather than set a deadline or an absolute schedule that would allow me to achieve these desires, I would just give a very weak and / or feeble excuse for a resolution.

For the longest time I would shame myself to no end for failing. Of course shaming oneself isn’t productive at all. Then about 12 years ago I finally made a resolution that, I’m proud to say, I have not broken since I made it in 2006. In ’06, my resolution went as follows: “This year’s resolution is to never make another New Year’s resolution!” This is a resolution that I plan on taking to my grave.

Now when I decide to make a change to, hopefully, improve my life, I do it when I am ACTUALLY ready to make the change, not just because it is a new year.



procrastinate (v) - to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do, you’re lazy, etc.
feeble (adj.) - lacking in force, strength, effectiveness, etc.
’06 (n) - a short way to say the year 2006, pronounced “oh six”




